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Chemical Ecology

Organisms exist in complex and competitive environments. In order to optimize their adaptation to these environments they can cooperate, compete, evade, kill, or be killed. To orchestrate these complex interactions, chemical signaling evolved to transmit information, and is the earliest form of communication.
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Chemical ecology is an interdisciplinary field of research centered on identifying these chemical signals and studying their significance in ecological interactions. This session calls on researchers to present their work on all facets of these chemical signals and he ecological interactions which they facilitate.

Prof. Dr. Paolina Garbeva – Department of Microbial Ecology, Netherlands Institute of Ecology (Wageningen, The Netherlands)

Paolina Garbeva
Paolina Garbeva
Image: Paolina Garbeva

Senior Scientist and Research Group Leader at the Department of Microbial Ecology in the Netherlands Institute of Ecology (NIOO-KNAW). 

The lab research focuses on microbe-microbe and plant-microbe chemical interactions and communication in belowground communities

- click hereExternal link for more information - 

Dr. Erik Selander – Aquatic Ecology Department, Lund University (Sweden) 

Erik Selander
Erik Selander
Image: Erik Selander


Group Leader and Associate Professor at the Aquatic Ecology Department in Lund University. 

The lab research is focused on the chemical interactions of the organisms in the pelagic zone. Particularly, he is interested in the role of chemical signals in the interaction between microalgae and predators.